The Dordogne is a delightful river to look at, to swim in and to paddle on. A little over an hour's drive away up river, you come to the cliff-side town of La Roque-Gageac. It's probably the best place to begin a 8 km, 2-hour paddle down the Dordogne under 3 amazing Chateausn and a Castle: Château de la Malartrie, Chateau de Fayrac, Château de Beynac, Castelnaud-la-Chapelle Castle.
The Dordogne is called the Valley of a thousand castles, and this short section of river is simply amazing to paddle and a must-do experience. If you like rapids and white water, you will be disappointed. You don't really have to paddle and the only reason to go in the water is to swim in the soft sweet fresh waters.